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AKINA team

Adaptable and optimistic

Farm worker in an olive grove


Volunteer for a fish farm research institute


Summer 2016 : commercialization and management of irrigation products in Marocco

Mohamed Amine Zaz

Sociable and ambitious

Volunteer in 
"2 mains Comores" for the drinking water supply in the remote villages


Summer 2016 : production and management of poultry productsin Madagascar

Yasser Abdallah Halifa

Attentive and serious

Rice growing in rice paddies and on slash-and-burn
in Thaïlande


Summer 2016 : Research in sustainable reforestation projects
in Costa Rica

Camille Brun

Volontaire et persévérante

Volunteer in Senegal


Summer 2016:
shea butter certification in a social firm
in Ghana

Nelly Mandekor

Yasser Abdallah Halifa

Nelly Mandekor

Simon Baklouti

Voluntary and persistant

Committed and pragmatic

Volunteer with "Sadhana Forest Inde" for the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest reforestation


Summer 2016 :
Research and developement in an agribuisness company
in Martinique

Camille Lupinko

Classroom assistant 


Building renovation with "Action Jeunesse et reconstruction"
in Indonesia

Volunteer for ecotourism and craft developemnt in India


Summer 2016: Research and development in crops biological protection 
in Kenya

Federative and undertaking

Energetic and creative

Investigation in the field about the installation possibilities of a nursery in Togo

Advice and assistance for certified coffee producers with Café Perú S.A.C.

Jeremie Dufils

Julie Fleuet

AKINA in the world

Calm and determinated

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